Mayan Constellation
A resource to learn, walk and grow with the wisdom of the Mayan Cosmovision
Through a mastery and depth of observation and communion, the ancients discovered that every ripple resonates in cycles and patterns. Each pulse contains substantial wisdom for how to move in alignment, and by doing so, helps us to become optimally vital as a living organism that brings imagination and spirit through us into material being and expanding our consciousness.
The Cholq’ij sacred Mayan calendar is an instrument that gives us an archetypal and energetic weather map, providing an orientation for how to be in alignment, from the microcosm to the macrocosm, and specifically attuned to the unique blueprint and constellation of guiding and supporting energies we each carry as our mission and purpose in this lifetime.
With respect to the Tz’utujil and Quiché Mayan lineage, tradition and its Ajq’ij guides, this website is a small resource to help connect to a vast Cosmovision.
Get an overview of how the Cholq’ij sacred Mayan calendar works.
Calculate Your Constellation
Discover the full constellation of 14 energies that support you in your life’s mission.
Flashcards of basic Tz’utujil Maya words
Photo Gallery
Photo gallery from trips to San Pedro, la Laguna, Guatemala with Ajq’ij Nana Marina Cruz and the Tz’utujil and Quichè community.
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